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What did customers think of us?

ECC Leiden has been our number 1 location in Leiden for a while for our courses, if they cannot take place at school. There is a pleasant, flexible cooperation and good service! In addition, the location is of course also ideal and the parking facility is very nice.
Marian van der Gijp Hogeschool Leiden
ECC Leiden offers us a solution at this time. Spacious meeting locations so that we can give the training sessions pleasant and safe. In addition, the employees are very friendly and hospitable! It is a great place for our trainings.
Joanne Huizinga Topaz
Marente had a wonderful party with more than 1,500 employees. The party went without a hitch and the preparation was excellent. It was a good choice to organize this event at ECC Leiden!
Anita Hagendoorn Secretaresse raad van bestuur | Marente
I cannot recommend ECC Leiden often enough and would like to thank the staff and the organization again for the friendly and good cooperation
Shirley Brewer Secretarial Discipline Supervisor | Jacobs
ECC Leiden is a pleasant Black Box in the middle of the Randstad. Spacious parking lot, pleasant and bright reception area, with a multifunctional room behind it. The perfect location for an event organizer like me!
Dirk Prijs Project manager | Genootschap voor Eventmanagers

Who preceded you?

  • Hogeschool Leiden

  • Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum

  • Q-Music